現正招收各級插班學生 Admitting Now! |
培育幼兒良好素質從這裡開始 We care because kindergarten is where the value begins! |
學校活動 除正常課堂外,本校於課後 亦 舉辦很多不同類型的活動給學生及家長,以下為部分主要的項目:
School Activities and Events Besides regular classes, we also hold different kinds of events for children as well as parents after school. Here are some of the more representative events and activities:
家校合作 我們萶重 家長與教師的溝通,對促進兒童學習和健康發展非常重要。為加強家校合作和聯繫,本校定期安排校長教師與家長會面、舉行座談及工作坊等。 |
Parent and Teacher/School Cooperation Communication between parents and teachers are important for the overall development of children. We hold meetings, workshops and seminars with parents as strong parental involvement and close parent-school relationship are crucial for the well beings of the children. |
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