Jordan Pak Hoi Kindergarten 佐敦北海幼稚園

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We care because kindergarten is where the value begins!

校園設施 本園校舍寬大、舒適、清潔、安全、資源充足及設備齊全,有先進的教學設備和 24 小時保安監察系統。除多個課室外,並有電腦及科學室,音樂美術室, 圖書館, 開放的活動操場及園地,多媒體 活動 室及大堂等。

School Campus and Facilities Our school campus is spacious, comfortable, clean, safe, resourceful and well-equipped. We have set up advance learning and teaching systems, 24-hour security and safety monitoring system.

Besides regular classrooms, we have Computer and Science room, Music and Art room, Library, Open Playground and Garden, School Hall and Multimedia Activity room.

學習環境及課室設置 本校提供有趣及富啟發性的學習環境,有助發展兒童的認知和社交能力。校園及課室充滿引發幼童創意及培養語文 興趣 的物料和設置。

Learning Environment and Classroom Setting Our school provides a fun, warm and motivating learning environment for children to learn and develop both academic and social skills. We infuse the classroom with rich materials and experiences that draw young children into literacy and creativity.

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